1. what's the deal with everyone trying to make so many "connections" and "network"? if you don't work hard yourself, you're not gonna get anywhere. to a point, i think networking is kind of useless if you're the kind of person who wants to do something new. and i don't think this only applies to film.
2. that type of perfection within the imperfect - beautiful. what the hell are all these imperfect beings doing in this thing we call life? i don't know, but it's pretty fascinating and beautiful :)
3. all people have their own role to play - but ultimately i think everybody has the same role of trying to be themselves as well - if that makes any sense. ethnicity, job, appearance, age, gender, location - things like these are all ultimately irrelevant. to find one's true self. that is the goal we all have in common.
4. eh? watchu say? i just won the top prizes at the world's largest student film festival? oh shut up.
5. i used to think one's level of "success" is irrelevant to one's coolness. but i am starting to reconsider this. "successful" people have a greater tendency to be cool methinks. but there are certainly exceptions. i think the cooler ones tend to be the ones who were born nowhere near "successful" - and made it up there themselves. what is "cool" you ask? cool = self reflexive, knowledgeable, wise, open-minded, ambitious, thoughtful, disciplined, y'know - things like that.
6. the decision to grow out my hair and the situation surrounding it serves as a microcosm in testing my willpower and willingness to endure through others' opinions/criticism.
"why are you growing out your hair? cut it, man. it looks weird"
"no. i'm going to do this once before i die."